
Empty shells lay beneath the summer stars The lies glare bright with your betrayal Space is such a burden felling with your regrets… Playing life endless games of heartbreaks …. But who am I… another rose decaying within the flames … Fading into the night, staining the spring air with it final breathe… Life for a Life a Kiss for a Kiss … Baby I still wonder were your words ever so true… Staining the wind with your very word twisting paper to ashes.. Turning rainstorm into hails…twisting every life into a crumble of chaos From you every so gentle touch… To whom am I? I Say to whom am I another victim waiting death … Just another memoir of your face, clinging for life … decaying to the earth fading.. Gasping for air..drowning in the sea of pain imbed within the flesh.. Our body lies beneath the stars.. just our memories floating against the forgotten wind… Another victim .. to the endless games .. you seek to play . A mind without a heart..crusting every life

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