Chevanese Mitchell

Name: Chevanese  MitchellChevanese Mitchell

Age: 20 Location:  New York

Goals : Publish at less 4 books or more in my life time.

First book Publish: Awaking Heart



Started writing when i was thirteen. start to fall in love with writing slowly over time until I made it into high school. When writing poetry was second nature to me. Am pushing myself to become better at what i love and exploring into different fields  for the excitement and the thrill of writing.  I Don’t  only just write poetry. I also write short stories, quotes, and novels. I maybe a silly shy girl with a hit of crazy that  hides behind the screen of her laptop , but i love the feeling of people reading what i write. I don’t mind people opinion I enjoy what people have to say even if good or bad. If it helps me to get better at what i love i say bring it on.

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