What new with InspirationBites

HEY Bloggers,

Lately i haven’t been keeping up with my blog, which is really not good. So  I thought about do something interesting for everyone and myself.  I will  start posting Short Stories, Quotes,Poetry, and Parts of My Novels.  I will Change it up each month so it wont get boring and everyone can still have a taste of inspiration.  Most already seem my many poems and  my quotes or a few of my short stories here and there, but thought it would be best more organize  and fun.  Well I hope everyone enjoy this month schedule of fun.

Yours Truly,

Chevanese  Mitchell


  • Dark Passion ( Novel)
  • Quote(1)


  • Death Greets Me (Short Story)
  • Quote (2)


  • Poetry ( 2)
  • Quote (3)


  • Dark Passion (Novel)
  • Quote (1)


  • Death Greets Me (Short Story)
  • Poetry (1)

Awaking Heart

Book Cover

Book Cover

Within the mind of heart, emotion speak in the tongue of life… A twist of faith where air linger with death… Poetry take a bit of a twist against the tongue. Chevanese Mitchell Share to you that the heart goes on through the twist and struggle of love from the good and worst. To the hit of emotion of life that every changing that make us stronger and wiser throughout our lives.

Now on Sale  on Amazon

Now on Sale  For Nook & Kindle

Now on Sale as Paperback

Wolves in the Woods

amazing :3




Rose was lost. She probably should have called off after work had run late, but she hadn’t wanted to wait for another chance and the park hadn’t looked that big on paper. She’d rushed out, chasing the last tatters of daylight. The trails had not been as well marked as she had expected, though, and she suspected she had accidentally doubled back at some point.  To top it all off, there was no cell reception to pull up a map, leaving her phone nothing more than a very inefficient flashlight- and not even that, if she wanted to keep it charged. She wasn’t even sure how close or far she was from civilization. It was, all in all, rather mortifying.

She checked her phone one more time- nope, still no service- before shoving it into her pocket in disgust. “This is what you get for relying too much on technology…

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Main Character Poem


An early morning at the beach made me think of him. Perhaps you didn’t know that the beach was where I first thought up my main character.

Connor was first a soft ocean sound.

Then a sparkle of sunshine glittering down.

Very light just like a sound… he glided across gentle blue waves.

After that he gained speed and became a quicker breeze.

In my minds eye, he took the lead.

First gentle, bright minded with blue eyes then fast as the wind was he.

That is how Connor ought to be.

I thought this to only me.

Gentle waves rolling in, lazily.

Not moving at a noisy afternoon pace… but quiet… as the morning summer sea.

Constant… steady… rhythmic…..,never tiring… never quitting…. a dependable mover is he.

Peaceful ocean scene

Serene pastels of blue and green

Clear blue skys

Friendly smiles

Ocean grey eyes

Sandy curls

Carefree laughter, lighthearted as…

View original post 203 more words

What types of novels do you love to read?

I Am Whatever I Choose To Become

Hello all you wonderful readers, I am about to begin writing my next novel series and I thought to myself what types of books does everyone love to read at this current time? What genres really get you going? Please let me know at the bottom of the page in the comment section.

I personally love adventure novels preferably with a little super hero flavor to them. Also I really like vampire or werewolf love stories, don’t ask why I just do lol so how about you?

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