No one Perfect

“No ones perfect…so why judge and hate, but i guess that what being human is … putting others down to just feel better about oneself. Not thinking about the side affect it will cause. Not thinking what eating away deep inside will never go away. Were Humans, yet sometime animals tend to prove to be more care and cherishing then we are. We simple create and destroy. Forgetting that any second we can lose it all. Any second our life can end, but those who are stronger are always the one that face to face with death. Always the ones that know the struggle and the pain to live among humans. Just sometime we forget our morals and the passion to put in what we love. were all not alike. we were never born to be clones. We were never born to live in silents. So why do we. Where the Leader among us. Sometime we may lose our way, but in the end just have to accept the fact we were born to make a different. Big or small.” Chevanese Mitchell

In Love

In Love

I just cant help it.
I cant not deny it.
I cant hide it.
you leave me breathless
you leave me so weak to the knees.
The trembles in my knees
The shaking of the lips.
The warmth of your touch.
I maybe crazy
I maybe hopeless
I could be losing my mind.
but when i see you my heart trembles into excitement
When I see you my eyes sparks flames into my soul.
I cant help it. My words are useless against you. My action are deadly.
My world crumbles to your will.
All I can whisper against yours lips.
Am so hopeless in Love with you.
Hopeless in Love about everything that is you.
You are my one and only.
I will always and forever love you.
By Chevanese Mitchell 


Empty shells lay beneath the summer stars The lies glare bright with your betrayal Space is such a burden felling with your regrets… Playing life endless games of heartbreaks …. But who am I… another rose decaying within the flames … Fading into the night, staining the spring air with it final breathe… Life for a Life a Kiss for a Kiss … Baby I still wonder were your words ever so true… Staining the wind with your very word twisting paper to ashes.. Turning rainstorm into hails…twisting every life into a crumble of chaos From you every so gentle touch… To whom am I? I Say to whom am I another victim waiting death … Just another memoir of your face, clinging for life … decaying to the earth fading.. Gasping for air..drowning in the sea of pain imbed within the flesh.. Our body lies beneath the stars.. just our memories floating against the forgotten wind… Another victim .. to the endless games .. you seek to play . A mind without a heart..crusting every life




Are you the one i seek.

Do you wish to complete me.

Do you wish to love ?

you’re not alone

so dont be afraid


my love for you will be your light

dont hide within the shadow of death.

my heart lingers through life for only you.


Am I the one you need.

am the air that clings to your lungs.

The warmth of ray against your flesh.

Death is Life


For forever i will be… standing by your side.

a dreamer i am not. You are what i need.

You are what I seek..I wish to complete

By Chevanese Mitchell


Dedicated to :  Reymundo Ortiz

Lost within the darkness I heard your voice
The rhythm of the melody entwined within the flesh
I found you within the center of my heart.
The echo your voice awaken the unknown.

You accept what was once lost. Created a better man.
My life once was shattered against the earth, but you brought it to life.
Your Melody is my soul. Your rhythm is my footstep upon this earth
You created a better man. A Better being.

You shine so bright. consuming the darkness within.
Your Melody so sweet it hums against the winds
It brush against the earth. Shattering the pain within.
I thank you. Your sweet voice echo deep within.

Forever I will remember. Forever I will march.
for your melody save my life. For your melody save my soul from this empty world.
For you are the reason I stand today as better
Your beautiful music shall forever be my anthem of my life.

I thank you.

By Chevanese Mitchell

Lost in Pain

Lost in Pain


How long have you been gone i wonder.

the scent of  your shirt still linger the air in my sleep.

the love that once was still cage my beating heart.

All that remain is the whisper against the wind.


I accept the present as it shine it rays of light into the darkness

I drift into the past to remember what once was.

To feel the aching pain that haunts my dreams.


Are you happy out there ? Are you bleeding with excitement knowing am still suffering

Can you still hear my cries into dark wishing for the past.

Linger in the present seeking for a future that only shatter against a touch.

The destruction that you cause echo deep within my soul.


The lies of your heart twisted the rose of clay.

Am what you can a tool… a pawn inwhich you can throw away..

can you hear me breathing in the dark … hoping to watch you fall part.

say you love me … you say you only want me.

you say everything will be alright it us against the world


Another game against death.

Another wish it never was.

this pain … this empty emotion that cling to my heart.

the love that once was slowly turns to ashes … leaving the heart turning  numb. .


I have accept my faith with death

No more will i remember your pretty face.

Watch as the world rip you apart as you have done to me.

Battle of Love

Battle of Love


To which side do you belong to.

To which side do you fight for.

The linger hope sweetten the airs.

The tangling of fear dark the sky.


Are you solider or are you shatter soul.

The attachment of  passion wanting life.

The seeking of acceptance in the world of emptiness.

Is this the perfection you seek. Is this the love you always wanted.


Fighting in a war so blindly. Feeling the emotion of desire.

What is this wanting thing you seek. Is this passionate you always wanted.

The dripping blood clinging into the earth

crippling of tear drops drifty against the cheek.


Is this love worth it? is it worth your very own life.

The tender lips of  battle bracing ones lips.

Engage in ones  hope.

To seek for completion. Is it out there ?

The person you seek within this hatred.


Within this battlefield Love is a passion of war.

As War is the passion of love.

The excitement of hopes sending shiver within ones hearth

The seeking of love within the darkness of this world.. The slowly linger within the battlefield.

BY Chevanese Mitchell 



Created within the earth..

Crumbles of stone swift touches against the sand

The wind blow against the cheek.

Entangle within the webs of faith.  Seeking into the unknown i found you.

Sinking into the flesh cloaking the eyes into darkness.  Your lips pure as gold. Yet so cold.

The shiver against the spine. cling against the heart.

Twisted into the thread bonded by lies.

The beauty of a mask shaking with greed.

Is this what you really are … a creature of my nightmares.

To be found within the darkness corner of my mind.

Hide within such beauty.

To be lend to my death.

Being twisted and mold from your touch.

I have found you within the cold parts of my heart.

Your a divine beyond all beings.

I give up my life for you, but watches as it turns into stone.

Born out of the earth… will I be once more..

The laughter of your voice shattering the mind into insanity

I watch as I slowly lose who i once was into the darkness of greed.

Being deceived by you was just a chess game to you.

Ripping apart my humanity. Leaving nothing,but my soul.

watch me crumble. watch me rise back from the earth.

watch me create what once was. For my love for you will shatter.

watch as this world swallow you and destroy you.

for your beauty will fade against the wind.

I will become strong.

Won’t be fool by your lies and games.

I was created from this earth… once more It where i will be.


By Chevanese Mitchell